How to Fend Off Broken New Year’s Resolutions for a More Fulfilling Life

Let’s face it…most people don’t follow through with New Year’s resolutions. Truth be told, most folks give up before even getting started. But bikers like you aren’t “most people.” You stick to your guns to get what you want, and the goals you set are about living life to the fullest. But if you find yourself needing a little extra help, here are nine worthwhile New Year’s resolutions that’ll be easy to keep with a little help from the Sturgis Buffalo Chip®.
1. Spend more time riding
It’s the best way to release stress, clear your head, focus and relax. Plus, it’s one heck of a good time.
The Black Hills of South Dakota are home to some of the world’s most beautiful landscapes, and you can take in its most scenic stretches of highway by participating in the Buffalo Chip’s annual Legends Ride® and the Biker Belles® Morning Ride™.
2. Eat healthier.
Besides giving you more energy and a longer life, eating healthy helps you look smokin’ hot in body paint!
No matter what you’ve got a hankering for, your tank will never run on empty at the Chip thanks to an amazing variety of foods from onsite eateries and food vendors.
3. Cut down on stress.
Want to improve productivity, sleep better and enjoy healthier relationships with your loved ones, friends and coworkers? Find ways to take breaks from your boss, your in-laws, your ex and all the other things that stress you out!
At the Buffalo Chip, you’re free to get weird, wild and unwind for nine stress-free days during the Sturgis Rally!