Future Sturgis Rally Dates
'The Sturgis Rally Starts on the First Friday in August.'
85th Sturgis Rally, August 1 – August 10, 2025
86th Sturgis Rally, August 7 – August 16, 2026
87th Sturgis Rally, August 6 – August 15, 2027
88th Sturgis Rally, August 4 – August 13, 2028
89th Sturgis Rally, August 3 – August 12, 2029
90th Sturgis Rally, August 2 – August 11, 2030
100th Sturgis Rally, August 3 – August 12, 2040
Countdown Clock to the 85th, 2025 Sturgis Rally

The 25th Annual Motorcycle Rally (1965) was the first Official 5-day event.
The 35th Annual Motorcycle Rally (1975) was expanded to its 7-day format.
The 47th Annual Rally (1987), the BuffaloChip started hosting events for a 10-day Rally starting on prior Friday.
Sturgis.com had the very first online, count-down clock to the Sturgis Rally!
100th Sturgis Rally August 3 – August 12, 2040
Events are being schedule now, several awaiting confirmation.
Legendary party host Woody Woodruff indicated he will soon be announcing,
Headline band, Mick Jager and Keith Richards
Robbie Knievel Jr. will attempt to jump over the BuffaloChip WaterTower and all will be presented by Stage Host Hank Rotten Jr, if they can keep him out of jail where is butt will still up against the wall.
More pending… Check back soon…